Getting ready to go to Maine meant getting a haircut. As I sat in the chair while
Bradi snipped away we talked about Maine because a client of hers had just gotten back from Maine the previous week and was telling Bradi all about it. "Go to the Lobster Shack" Bradi said. "My client said it was a divey hole-in-the-wall kind of place with long lines and red picnic tables out back but the food is amazing. Particularly the lobster roll." I thought as she clipped away at the length and thickness of my hair
where is the Lobster Shack? Are they everywhere in Maine? I told Bradi thank you and that I would keep that in mind. Fast forward to the American Eagle plane taking us from Omaha to Philadelphia en route to Portland, ME and I am reading the famous back seat pocket airline magazine. The article was about Portland, Maine's current foodie culture. It is evidently now a destination for foodies. Being that Jon and I are quite the self proclaimed foodies, I figured we should check out eating in Portland once we land as we would be landing around dinner time. I had no idea the distance between Portland and Kennebunkport, ME so searched online once I had Wi-Fi. In the process as is the case when doing a search online I came across several articles with topics relating to my search, Kennebunkport to Portland, ME. One particular article stood out for some reason entitled (funny enough) "Portland to Kennebunkport. Is it worth the drive?" I decided to click on it since I was in fact trying to decide if it was worth staying in Portland for awhile risking a late drive and check in to our bungelow at
The Cottages on Cabot Cove. The article was really a question on an online travel forum. The writer was asking the question because they were taking a cruise and had a day in Portland and wanted to see if it would be worth renting a car to travel to Kennebunkport for a half day. The phrase lobster roll caught my eye. My husband had been talking for days leading up to our departure about seafood and lobster in particular. Bradi's suggestion of going to a "Lobster Shack" was in the back of my mind as well. An answer to this woman's question informed her that Cape Elizabeth would be a better option to see while in Portland because "The Lobster Shack" is THE place to get a great lobster roll. I decided at that exact moment that we'd begin our trip immediately upon landing in Portland, ME by driving south 20 minutes to Cape Elizabeth, ME to visit the
Lobster Shack at Two Lights. Kennebunkport, ME would then be 40 minutes away from Cape Elizabeth. The more direct route would be Portland, ME to Kennebunkport, ME taking us only 40 minutes. We basically would be adding 20 minutes onto our drive. The GPS took us to what looked like a giant parking lot as our actual destination was hidden from view so we didn't realize the impact until we climbed stairs up to a vista where a lone storefront and red picnic tables were situated on the rocks overlooking a fierce coast line.
It was a sunset as well. Between Bradi's tip and what I happened upon in that airline magazine and then online we felt as though the travel gods had smiled on us in that moment.
Jon and I at The Lobster Shack at Twin Lights Cape Elizabeth, ME |
You can see one of the Twin Lighthouses on the left in the background. |
From left: New England Clam Chowder and a Crab Meat Roll. Jon had the lobster roll but gobbled it up before I remembered to get a photo! |
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