Monday, July 27, 2015

Walking with Churchill

Big Ben is the name of the bell inside the clock.  The clock is called the Elizabeth Tower.  It used to be called the Clock Tower.

The London Eye view from across the Portcullis House where you buy your ticket into the House of Lords and Commons or the Parliament building.

Statue of Churchill across from the Houses of Lords and Commons.  Electric current running through it so birds don't alight upon it and poop on it.  He didn't want the traditional spikes sticking up on it thinking that would look silly.

 The Red Lion is in the division-bell area of Westminster.  It is where Churchill would frequent throughout the day.  The area is loosely defined as anywhere within an eight-minute dash of the House of Commons. It got its name because many homes and hostelries within its radius are equipped with bells to alert errant MPs to return to cast their votes at the end of long and tedious debates that they have decided to skip.
Red Lion, upstairs is dining and downstairs is the bar.

Having a pint and a cigar with Churchill at the Red Lion

Admiralty Building next to it on the left is the Bunker.  Churchill hated the Bunker he basically thought it was ugly.

Churchill War Rooms were under this structure.  This is 10 Downing Street where the Prime Minister lives.  During WWII, Churchill did not evacuate to the war rooms right away.  He didn't want anyone to think he was scared and he remained on the ground walking among the Londoners during the bombing of London.  He stood on top of this building at night watching the bombing.  Finally, when a bomb hit inside the courtyard he decided it was time to evacuate to a safe place.  The basement of 10 Downing Street became the "war bunker".  No one knew until after the war that it was not a safe place only secretive.  

Churchill War Rooms

Churchill War Rooms: Churchill's desk. He hated noise.  Even typewriters were equipped to be silent.

Churchill War Rooms: Private, Secret line to Washington where Churchill and FDR frequently strategized over the phone.

Churchill War Rooms

Churchill War Rooms

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