Friday, July 13, 2012

Flying is so relaxing?

I love me some vacation time with my family.  My husband, Jon and I love to travel alone but there is a different kind of fun had when traveling with the whole fam and this time that includes my parents as well!  It has been a blast.  I loved watching my son on the plane (his second time flying).  The flight from Minneapolis to L.A. is 3 hours so I knew his antics would be fun to watch.  He ended up mimicking mommy and asked for my neck pillow and eye pillow put his head phones in and zoned out.  Love it!!

My son pretending to be a woman sipping tea but he really DID ask for my neck pilllow on the plane!

At LAX airport...Time to:

On our shuttle ride to the Embassy Suites South in Anaheim we met Missy from Pittsburgh.  She rocked! She was so friendly and we discussed travel and food, both of which she loves as much as us.  I gave her my blog address so enjoy Missy! (Now you're famous LOL)  Anywho, I love hearing different perspectives on traveling and she was a great conversation partner for just that.  We talked about LA not having as huge a downtown as we thought it might.  Then that led us to our own theories.  Well, mine anyway.  I always have an opinion.  I figured NYC was full of high rises and skyscrapers because they were the first "big city" in US history growing up smack dab in the middle of the Industrial Revolution.  Growing man-made structures was the name of the game.  By the time we went west and settled California and created LA we were interested in space and land and urban sprawl.  So, downtown didn't get as huge and had skycrapers more out of necessity than design interest.  So, there you have it, my theory and everyone else thought it sounded good so we kind of ended the conversation there. HA.  I'd be curious to hear others' thoughts or even facts but theories are good for now.

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